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As Lutherans, we hold fast to the promise that God's grace, mercy, and love are given freely to each of us. Through the saving work of Jesus Christ, God's precious son, we have been redeemed and renewed, so that we might live lives full of joy and hope and peace. In grateful recognition of God's life-giving grace, we heed the call to share God's light and love with all those around us.
The Inspired Word
As a congregation of the ELCA, we believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. The faith stories and teachings found in the Bible are the basis of our preaching and teaching. We draw upon the wisdom and comfort of the Holy Scriptures as we walk the journey of faith together.
God Comes to Us
We believe that God comes to us directly in the two sacraments we celebrate. Through the waters of Baptism, God chooses each us individually and grants us the gift of the Holy Spirit, making us children of God forever. Through Holy Communion, we celebrate the very presence of Jesus Christ in, under, and through the bread and wine. We cling to the promise spoken by Jesus at the Last Supper: these gifts are "given for you."
Saved by Grace
We believe wholeheartedly in the words of Ephesians 2:8 -- "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God." The promise of salvation, living in God's loving presence of all eternity, is given to us by God through the death and resurrection of God's son, Jesus Christ. There is nothing we can do to earn that gift -- it has already been won for us. And there is nothing that can ever separate us from God's love, not even death itself.
Loving Our Neighbors
With this understanding of God's amazing, unending love for all of us, we then try to reflect that same love in all that we do at Shepherd of Life. We try our very best to always love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Through serving others, we seek to be a force for positive change in our community, and we work to bring about God's kingdom of justice and equity.
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